Karen Mote

The business centre Cardiff Karen Mote

An insight into our Receptionist, Karen

In case it hasn’t been said before, the last year has been a wild roller coaster! Not least for our newest member of the team, Karen, who joined our reception just a few weeks before we went into the first lockdown. Karen has had to juggle a new role with the ups-and-downs of a worldwide pandemic, and we think she’s doing an excellent job!

We love our family community vibe at The Business Centre (Cardiff) Ltd and we believe that it’s never too late to say hello and welcome a new team member, so here is a big Welcome to Karen!

Our new receptionist: Karen Mote

Joining our team in February 2020, Karen had just three and a half weeks of normality before we went into the first lockdown in March. Before she joined our team, she had been working at Waitrose until she was made redundant when they closed the store. However, as is often the case when these things happen, it was a blessing, as she was looking for a change from retail and when a friend told her about the vacancy that we had here at The Business Centre (Cardiff), she decided to apply.

Karen has joined our reception team, where she works with Lynne and Sarah. Her role involves answering the phone, greeting people that come into The Business Centre (Cardiff), sending emails, sorting the post and any general ad hoc duties that need doing.

Our team are excellent at what they do, going above and beyond, always with a smile on their face! Generally, our reception team receives a lot of phone calls, especially at the moment, so a large portion of Karen’s day is spent on the phone. Then when the post comes in, she sorts it and forwards any post or parcels to our clients as well as collecting any parcels from the loading bay.

Outside of work, Karen tries to keep busy and since the first lockdown, she’s taken up knitting children’s toys. She also enjoys a vodka or two, although not at the same time as knitting!

We caught up with Karen (over Zoom, obviously) to find out how she was finding her role here at The Business Centre (Cardiff). We really miss doing these catch ups at Mel’s Café!


What’s your favourite thing about working at The Business Centre (Cardiff)?

’ve been made to feel so welcome; everyone is so friendly and no two days are ever the same.


If you weren’t at The Business Centre (Cardiff), what would your dream job be? 

I would love to be David Essex’s Personal Assistant.


If anyone wanted to become a receptionist, what advice would you give them?

My advice would be to be very patient, there is so much to learn! But make lots of notes and don’t be afraid of answering the phone, it does get easier!

Thank you so much for your hard work over the last year, Karen! We’re delighted to have you as part of our team, especially during such challenging times.

Meet the rest of our lovely team; find out more on our team page here.











Posted on: 16th Sep 2021