
The Business Centre Your home of flexible, serviced office space

Freelancer or Start-up: there‘s never been a better time to give it a go.

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? In this technological age, the internet has changed the world, from how we organise our weekly food shop to the face of entrepreneurship, leading to the growth of a new sector of start ups: e-entrepreneurs.

Meet the veterans and hear about the Woody’s Lodge project

Every year on the 11th of November is Armistice Day, popularly known as Remembrance Day in the UK. At The Business Centre in Barry, not…

Promoting wellbeing and wellness at work

Changing the way we approach our health. The Business Centre Cardiff Ltd is working to promote well-being and wellness at work, resulting in your happier workplace…

Pier Consulting – The Business Centre (Cardiff) Customer of the Month September 2016

Here at The Business Centre, we have a wide variety of interesting and diverse clients, and over the coming months we will be focusing on…

Business Coffee Morning raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Coffee Morning Hosted by The Business Centre (Cardiff) Ltd and Cariad Creative Can you believe it has been a year since we hosted our last…

What is the best age to start a business?

Are the 20/30-something entrepreneurs the only ones disrupting and innovating, the way we live and consume today. Some say it’s the older generations you need to keep an eye on.